Touchabl, an AI based picture touching and identification app which prides itself as “Shazam for pictures” and launched officially nine months ago in Port Harcourt has successfully secured seed funding of US$ 20,000. This fund is to be used for further product development as well as aggressive marketing.
The app has so far brought a new dimension to searching for items online. It allows a user that sees something they like – such as a dress, shoe, wristwatch, car – in any picture, whether on their timeline in the app or in their phone photo gallery, to simply touch it and receive more information about it. This, instead of going to search for information you don’t know, is a better way of getting more info.
According to the CEO, Gabriel Eze, he said that the funding is just right in time as they continue product development and product marketing.
In his words, “Since launching in public beta, we have collected some interesting feedback and have significantly modified our technology and value proposition. We will build upon our technology using this feedback”.
In addition of the $20,000 funding which came from Hubly, they will also provide the Touchabl team with training, mentorship and critical personal feedback in a bid to set them into becoming a hugely successful business. The training and mentorship is slated to last for a 6 month period and is like a prerequisite for funding.
As at this moment, Touchabl has over 1000 users. They launched officially in October 2017.