Growth can never be underestimated in a startup or business. Some businesses need funds to grow, while some others require expertise. Whatever you’re, this might just be the place to be; as Stanford Seed is looking for high-potential CEOs/founders that are based in West Africa and are also motivated for growth.
Stanford seed are at the helm of the Seed Transformation Program which is an unconventional, high-touch learning experience that surpasses just acquiring business skills. Their world-renowned faculty and dedicated team of experts would work with leaders throughout a 12-month journey to achieve growth.
As a participant, you get to take advantage of a world-class curriculum from Stanford GSB and the innovative thinking that has shaped so many of the most successful companies in Silicon Valley. You would also be getting support from trained local facilitators to help you introduce what you’ve learned to your company and promote buy-in. Also, developing relationships with like-minded leaders to share experiences and develop an ongoing peer-to-peer support network is a major benefit.
Below are some details you might need to know:
PROGRAM DATES: 2 Dec 2018 – 2 Nov 2019
LOCATION: Various cities in either East or West Africa & at your company
REQUIREMENT: Companies based in Southern Africa with annual revenues between
US $150,000 and $15 million
OPEN TO: CEOs/founders of for-profit companies and for-profit social enterprises
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